Can I raise a bird to live outdoors around my apartments?
Question by Jeremy H: Can I raise a bird to live outdoors around my apartments?
I live in apartments that don't allow pets and I move around in rural areas. Can I train a bird to live outdoors around whever I'm living at the time? That way I'd have the companionship of a pet, without having to rent an entire house. It would have to be a bird that can handle the cold because it gets below freezing at night in the winter.
Best answer:
Answer by DogAddict
No. This doesn't sound like an ideal situation for a bird. You would have to keep it caged. If it's outside anyone could come up and do anything to it. Can you maybe get a rodent that could live indoors? Please don't get a bird, if it didn't freeze to death it would get stolen or killed. Hope this helps.
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