Sunday, January 30, 2011

What is the best website for Indian freelance writers to network and enhance their careers?

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by Michael Hirst

Question by Austin_writer: What is the best website for Indian freelance writers to network and enhance their careers?

Hi, I was looking for a nice website where Indian freelance writers could congregate and learn from each other. Found a few online groups but most of them were inactive. Plus, I am not looking for just a community or a social networking site. I am looking for a comprehensive solution for Indian freelancers. Can you help?

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Answer by bigbluesky2006
If you can't find a site, why not create one! It seems like there would be a big demand for such a website.

You could also check out the link library of freelancing sites in the Freelance Buddy freelancer's guide...

It sounds like you want a freelancing site with a forum that is focused on the Indian market. As far as I can tell there isn't one...yet!!!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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