Friday, January 21, 2011

Q&A: How do you feel about interracial relationships?

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by anna gutermuth

Question by girlygirl: How do you feel about interracial relationships?

I do not see a problem with them. I am a white female that has dated white, black, Hispanic, and middle eastern men. My mother on the other hand is convinced that if i ever have mixed kids then the world will shun them. I think that now a days people are more open to interracial relationships and i will not judge anyone by their ethnicity or the color of their skin. Let me know your age group and how you feel about these relationships.

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Answer by Piglet
I'm not against them, but they are more difficult.
A relationship works best when two people have a lot in common. A major difference like race (and the associated different cultures, outlooks, values etc) can put enormous pressure on.
Just don't be blind to the difficulties, ok?

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