Sunday, January 30, 2011

What is a career that involves coming up with new ideas to make the company better?

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Question by kyle: What is a career that involves coming up with new ideas to make the company better?

I am wondering what some careers would be that involve coming up with new ideas to help a company succeed by getting more business, more productivity out of employees and better ways to complete work. I come up with great ideas that would definitely increase profit and get more customers. Preferably a career that you don't have to go to school for to long.

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Answer by Alex
No matter what job you hold, it is your duty to do what is in the best interest of the company, including sharing ideas about increasing sales, gaining customers, simplifying processes, increasing efficiency, etc. The job that comes to my mind is a consultant, but those positions are reserved for people with experience in a particular field. Other fields that come to mind are marketing, management, systems. You're question is pretty vague, what type of company are you referring to?

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